
Focus chart lightwrite
Focus chart lightwrite

focus chart lightwrite

#Focus chart lightwrite series#

Am i wrong? Its a huge leap of price to go to the 8800 series and i'd rather take something "second best" and half the price. I know its probably skimping it a bit but i feel that anything more expensive is actually overkill for my needs. OCZ seemed to offer the best value of the top brands.

focus chart lightwrite

Thought id start off with 2x1gb though and likely add a third one soon enough.

focus chart lightwrite

I'm gonna stick with 32-bit for now so im limited to 3gb. This one does well on charts and is from a solid manufacturer while still having a good price ticket on it. Im thinking it should be enough for my needs and comes relatively cheap, 6650/6750 are the alternatives but is the difference notable enough for the extra buck? I've been doing a handful of research lately and this is what my list looks like at the moment: I also dont fancy the idea of overclocking much as i like my systems to run for years and years (passing on to other family members usually). The deal is, im a student and as such dont like to spend much (im talking 800-1000€ total) - but at the same time im a great fan and active player of games and would like my computer to be able to handle all the next-gen games coming out in the next year or two. Right, first off i know im not being the most original of topicmakers but I'd really like some advice from the adepts here on my upcoming "budget gaming" computer

Focus chart lightwrite